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Pet's Revenge: Edgar & Ellen    by Charles Ogden order for
Pet's Revenge
by Charles Ogden
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Aladdin, 2006 (2006)
* *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

In their tall, gloomy mansion overlooking the Nod's Limbs cemetery, twelve-year-old trickster twins Edgar and Ellen are harrassing one-eyed Pet big time! The nasty pair are the torment of the town, 'civic menaces' who (Grinch-like) sabotage every happy event planned for other children. Aside from Pet (who seems to be evolving), they share their residence with a ferocious carniverous plant named Morella, and an unpredictable scary caretaker (whom they avoid like the plague), Heimertz.

Mayor Knightleigh plans to tear down the 'ramshackle monstrosity' in which the horrible twins live, his wife plans to renovate it, and they want their daughter Stephanie to teach the duo community-mindedness (she winces). While the Knightleighs attempt the impossible and the twins (who often speak in rhyme) work hard to foil every effort - winning their furball new allies in the process - Pet has his own shocking plans. His actions change one of them in surprising ways and leave the other with a fascinating puzzle to solve. Of course the pernicious pair eventually triumph, and it's a wrap!

Though young readers are not encouraged to do what the twins do - but rather advised to 'do exactly the contrary' - they will enjoy reading about Edgar & Ellen's myriad wicked adventures. Black and white illustrations add to the horrid, haunting fun, which will continue in the next episode, High Wire (enjoy a sneak preview at the end of Pet's Revenge).

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