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Misery Moo    by Jeanne Willis & Tony Ross order for
Misery Moo
by Jeanne Willis
Order:  USA  Can
Andersen, 2006 (2003)
Hardcover, Softcover

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* *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

In this story by Jeanne Willis, a little lamb tries repeatedly to cheer up a depressed old cow, named Misery Moo (I love Tony Ross's cover illustration that shows the sad cow with her personal small, dark raincloud on a sunny day - all the subsequent illustrations also inject humor into the tale).

Cow and lamb are the classic glass half empty/glass half full pair. And that little lamb works so hard for so long to cheer up his miserable friend. Can you guess what happens? Both misery and good cheer are contagious and they reverse roles! But only for a little while, as both learn that friendship can make you happy even when it's raining.

Misery Moo tells a story of how friends can be sad, but can also help each other to appreciate the sunshine and to see the joy in life.

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