Little Bear, You're a Star!: A Greek Myth About the Constellations
Jeanne Marzollo
Little, Brown & Co., 2005 (2005)
Reviewed by Hilary Daninhirsch
Little Bear, You're a Star
, Jeanne Marzollo retells the Greek myth of two famous constellations, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, and how they came to be in the night sky.
he ruler of the gods, King Zeus, had an eye for Callisto, a young human mother of a baby named Arcas. Jealousy overcame his wife, Queen Hera, who turned Callisto into a bear. Arcas was raised by another human couple, but Callisto was always nearby, protecting Arcas as best she could, while learning to live as a bear. One day, when Arcas was older, he was about to shoot Callisto with his bow and arrow, not knowing that the bear was actually his mother. Zeus quickly changed Arcas into a bear, and the two reunited. They were then turned into stars and tossed into the sky, becoming the constellations Big Bear (Ursa Major) and Little Bear (Ursa Minor) - allowing them to stay together forever.
he book is a wonderful introduction to Greek Mythology for children. The story and its retelling exemplify the eternal bonds of a mother's love. Though the tiny talking birds at the bottom of each page distract somewhat from the flow, they do help young children understand this particular myth more fully. Colorful and lively illustrations add to the appeal of this charming children's book.
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