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Siesta    by Ginger Foglesong Guy & Rene King Moreno order for
by Ginger Foglesong Guy
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Rayo, 2005 (2005)

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* *   Reviewed by J. A. Kaszuba Locke

Ginger Foglesong Guy's Siesta stars a brother, a sister, and 'un osito' - a little bear - as they gather colorful items needed for their afternoon nap. A line on each page, written in Spanish and in English, describes the articles. The stated color is printed in the respective color of the word.

Rene King Moreno blended pastels, watercolors, and pencils to create bright, happy colors, accenting the author's descriptions of moving figures. Though I would have preferred an expanded text, Guy offers a fine lesson in language in Siesta. Featured items include 'Mi mochila azul' ('My blue backpack'), 'Mi chaqueta roja' ('My red jacket'), and 'Mi libro amarillo' ('My yellow book.') Is there anything else? Yes, there is, and it has all the colors combined ... 'Mi manta' ('My blanket.')

Siesta is a wonderful tool for youngsters, two and up, to learn alternating languages. Readers will delight in the double-paged, colorful spread of characters and objects - a kitten, a table, butterflies, brother, sister, and bear, too. They sing under their blanket tent, while mom peeks in to see that they have fallen asleep. 'Ho hum! Siesta! Naptime!'

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