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The Train of States    by Peter Sis order for
Train of States
by Peter Sis
Order:  USA  Can
Greenwillow, 2004 (2004)

Read an Excerpt

* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Peter Sis presents '50 Fabulous Train Cars, one for Each of the Truly Great 50 States, from Maine to California and all States in between, Followed by a Most Marvelous Caboose. All Aboard!' The train cars are styled after 'antique circus wagons', and are lovingly decorated in colorful detail of state symbols, flora and fauna.

I was struck by how many state names, e.g. Connecticut, came from Indian words, and enjoyed the details in each train car - plants and creatures common to the state, historical tidbits, date of statehood, and quotations (I especially liked North Carolina's 'To be rather than to seem'). Have you heard of the 'Bone Wars' in New Jersey? Did you know that basketball was first played with peach baskets in Massachusetts, that Vermont was the first state to outlaw slavery, that ginger ale was invented in Michigan, or that Arkansas hosts the annual 'World's Championship Duck Calling Contest'? Read and learn.

Notes at the back explain how to 'Look for the story behind each picture.' If you live in the United States, there's lots to explore here - you might even learn something new about your own state. If you live elsewhere, enjoy discovering the 50 States, each in its own charming train car.

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