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Growing Vegetable Soup    by Lois Ehlert order for
Growing Vegetable Soup
by Lois Ehlert
Order:  USA  Can
Harcourt, 2004 (2001)
* *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Growing Vegetable Soup is a small board book (aimed at children aged 6 months to 3). It gives little ones a window into the magical process that turns seeds into soup. Every page shows different elements needed along the way, all of them labelled.

Dad and child start by laying out tools, planting seeds and sprouts, watering, watching them grow in the sun ... 'and grow, and grow into plants.' Then comes weeding, more waiting, and finally ripening. Veggies are picked or dug up, washed, chopped, and cooked into soup, 'the best soup ever'.

Kids will enjoy learning how food gets from the ground to the table. Use this little book to explain it to them, to encourage them to help in the garden, and even to get them to eat that veggie soup!

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