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I Already Know I Love You    by Billy Crystal & Elizabeth Sayles order for
I Already Know I Love You
by Billy Crystal
Order:  USA  Can
HarperCollins, 2004 (2004)

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* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Ok, I admit I was already teary-eyed on the first page. You'll find it's hard to avoid while reading I Already Know I Love You. In this picture book, Billy Crystal shares his feelings and anticipations, knowing that his daughter is expecting a baby and that he will be a grandfather for the first time. Elizabeth Sayles' luminous illustrations make the emotions real.

The author addresses his grandchild to be - 'I've been waiting to meet you / for such a long, long while' - and talks about all the fun they will have together seeing 'butterflies and monkeys and clowns who cross their eyes'. He plans to take his grandchild to the movies and remembers taking the baby's mom to her first film ... 'I never watched the screen. / The movie was in her smile - / to her it was a dream.'

Though the verses are sometimes awkward, the feelings hit straight to the heart. Little ones everywhere will love being cuddled in the warmth of family as their grandpas read to them and remember how it felt waiting for their birth: 'Get ready, little sweet one - / your life will be just great. / I'm going to be your grandpa, and ... / I can hardly wait.'

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