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Otto Goes to Camp    by Todd Parr order for
Otto Goes to Camp
by Todd Parr
Order:  USA  Can
Little, Brown & Co., 2004 (2004)
* *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

In his latest eye-catching Otto episode, Todd Parr captures the mix of excitement and terror that kids often bring to new experiences in their lives.

The colorful canine heads to 'Camp Woof'. How does Otto cope with camping? He takes along his favorite things - not 'Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens', but his blanket, a bone, a stick and 'a cherry pie'! At camp, nothing goes right for Otto at first, neither fishing nor roasting marshmallows, and the others say 'Silly Otto!'.

But they soon change their tune after their hiking party meets a bear and the dog saves the day. Then 'Silly Otto!' morphs into 'Smart Otto!' and decides he 'can't wait to come back next year!' As usual, Todd Parr captures the essence of an experience (camping this time) through the eyes of his engaging creation, Otto.

Note: An Otto screensaver can be downloaded for both PC and Mac.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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