The River Has Roots
Amal El-Mohtar
Tor, 2025 (2025)
Hardcover, e-Book
Reviewed by Hilary Williamson
ere's a most remarkable, lyrical fantasy,
The River Has Roots
by Amal El-Mohtar. The river in question is the river Liss, which flows between small town Thistleford and Faerie lands, and whose '
waters brim with grammar
', that is magic. It's also a tale of two very close sisters, gregarious Esther (the elder) and shy Ysabel Hawthorn.
he boundary between Arcadia (land of magic) and human lands is where the river meets two great enchanted willows on the Hawthorn family holdings that extend to the town of Thistleford. The Hawthorns make a living from the willows (coppicing and basket weaving) and in return sing in thanks to the trees at sunrise and sunset. Esther and Ysabel sing beautifully and in perfect harmony.
s the story opens, Esther has fallen for a magical being and riddler, Rin, but doesn't know where this will lead as she won't leave her family, especially her beloved sister. Rin is '
of a people to whom time was a kind of instrument, distance a kind of music
'. Locally, the insufferable Mr. Pollard courts Esther, wanting to increase his own holdings with Hawthorn land. She despises him.
in finally agrees to spend Esther's lifetime with her and her family but then tragedy strikes. How it is all resolved and justice (a harp and a secret song are key) served completes a story that will stay with you long after you turn its last page.
Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.
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