The Night Ends with Fire
K. X. Song
Ace, 2024 (2024)
Hardcover, e-Book
Reviewed by Hilary Williamson
. X. Song's
The Night Ends with Fire
is a historical fantasy based on the Chinese legend of
, so that it's appropriate that it begins with '
War is coming ...
' Meilin's father, who gambles and smokes opium, refuses the draft, punishable by death. When she objects, he decides to marry her off for her dowry.
ortunately Meilin has trained in Kung Fu. She disguises herself and enlists in the army in her father's place, taking with her a jade necklace left her by her dead mother, engraved with '
Azure Dragon
'. In the army, her skills and hard work are recognized and she finds companionship, even friendship with Prince Sky as they train together.
earing the necklace, a sea dragon spirit speaks to Meilin and gives her visions, offering her warnings and powers, which she slowly learns to use. She's recognized for her valor. She meets another wearing a spirit seal like her necklace. There are battles and great danger from a traitorous chancellor. Her dragon shows her a terrible future that only she can prevent.
here's a capture and escape, and all kinds of adventures. Meilin finally poses as a courtesan to get access to the chancellor, and ends the war. She's lauded - until her sex is revealed and the novel ends on a cliffhanger that begs for a sequel.
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