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Disturbing the Dead: A Rip Through Time #3    by Kelley Armstrong order for
Disturbing the Dead
by Kelley Armstrong
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Minotaur, 2024 (2024)
Hardcover, e-Book
* *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Disturbing the Dead follows The Poisoner's Ring as the third in Kelley Armstrong's Rip Through Time books. The series opening sent modern homicide detective Mallory Atkinson back to 1869 Edinburgh (in the body of housemaid Catriona Mitchell) after both were strangled in the same spot.

Since then she's lived in the home of undertaker/medical examiner Dr. Duncan Gray and his widowed sister Isla. Mallory helped investigate a serial killer, and her secret was revealed to both Duncan and Isla. In the second episode, she and Duncan saved his prickly oldest sister Annis from a charge of poisoning. Feelings continued to grow between Duncan and Mallory.

As this third episode opens, Annis invites Mallory et al to a mummy unwrapping chez Sir Alastair Christie, who recently returned from Egypt. At the event, the host is not to be found - until a mummy is unwrapped! An investigation ensues with Mallory and Duncan at the forefront, as always.

They question members of the Edinburgh Seven (the first women ever admitted to a British university), and spend more time than they like underneath the city. Mallory is attacked there, and forced to make a decision about her future. Fans will appreciate that Duncan's gift to Mallory of a ghoulish Hand of Glory is key to solving the mystery.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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