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The Witch Roads    by Kate Elliott order for
Witch Roads
by Kate Elliott
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Tor, 2025 (2025)
Hardcover, e-Book
* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Kate Elliott is one of my favorite Fantasy & SF authors for her many brilliant series, in particular for Jaran and The Sun Chronicles. The Witch Roads, first of two volumes, stars cheerful deputy courier Elen in a world struggling to survive the poisonous Spore-laden Pall. Elen carries inside her a viper that she can release to destroy Spore but must keep a secret, for she would be killed for it.

Elen and her beloved Aoving were child slaves, atoners forced to walk ahead of noble parties and die to shield followers from the Pall. They escaped together (Ao pregnant with Kem) and found their way to Orledder Halt, where Ao worked as a midwife and Elen became a courier. Elen's life is turned upside down when arrogant prince-warden Gevulin and his entourage show up in Orledder Halt. She is forced to guide them.

When they reach the haunted Spires, Gevulin ignores her advice and is taken over by an ancient spirit, who seeks to protect the world from the re-emergence of sorcerer kings. Though the prince's followers are unaware, Elen understands what happened and helps him keep up the pretense as they journey on into great danger.

This first episode ends on a cliffhanger as the real Gevulin is returned to his body - and recalls much of what happened. He sees Elen as a weapon to take the throne!

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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