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Anxious    by Luciana De Luca & Natalí Barbani order for
by Luciana De Luca
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Annick, 2024 (2024)
* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Luciana De Luca's Anxious takes readers into the mind of a little girl, who sometimes feels strange. Her world feels 'too fast and too loud.' 'Everything feels dark' and 'scary'.

Natalí Barbani's illustrations do a fine job of portraying what all that feels like and how it makes the child retreat into herself.

Is there a solution? The girl tells us she's learned she can ask for help and a hug; take slow, deep breaths; and - find her way to laugh again.

At the end are helpful Notes to both the reader and to Adults and caregivers on how to cope with a child's anxiety.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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