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The Book of Ile-Rien    by Martha Wells order for
Book of Ile-Rien
by Martha Wells
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Tor, 2024 (2024)
Softcover, e-Book
* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

I enjoy all of Martha Wells' works, from her many outstanding fantasy series to her delightful Murderbot Diaries. This new and revised edition, The Book of Ile-Rien, combines The Element of Fire & The Death of the Necromancer.

As The Element of Fire opens in the kingdom of Ile-Rien, Captain of the Queen's Guard Thomas Boniface leads an invasion of the house of Bisran sorceror Grandier (whom they hope is absent). They rescue old sorceror Galen Dubell. We meet another key character, Kade, as she joins an acting troupe in the city. Kade is actually the young king Roland's half sister, daughter of the old king and a great queen of fayre. She was once taught by Dubell.

When the city comes under attack by the fay, Kade works with Thomas to fight back. Working against him is the young king's close friend and confidante, Denzil, who's in league with their enemies. Another, even closer, betrays them. Kade's feelings for Thomas grow stronger and she despairs when he's hit by elf-shot. She takes him to her own haven of Knockma in the land of the fayre. Sacrifices are needed before it's all over.

A century later, The Death of the Necromancer opens with Madeline (an actress) and Reynard executing a well planned theft for nobleman Nicholas Valiarde, but someone got there before them. Nicholas seeks vengeance against the evil Count Montesq for the death of his beloved foster father. Dr. Octave starts to take an alarming interest in their activities. They find themselves up against a messy business, necromancy, practiced by a very powerful sorcerer devoid of mercy.

When all seems lost, Madeline enlists the help of her grandmother, a powerful sorceress. Complications ensue and the Queen herself gets involved. Action moves quickly through sewers, with constant attacks by ghouls and revenants, but the necromancer is defeated - and Nicholas does, very cleverly, achieve his vengeance.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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