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The Princess in Black and the Mermaid Princess    by Shannon Hale, Dean Hale & LeUyen Pham order for
Princess in Black and the Mermaid Princess
by Shannon Hale
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Candlewick, 2022 (2022)
Hardcover, e-Book
* *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Shannon and Dean Hale's The Princess in Black and the Mermaid Princess (catchily illustrated by LeUyen Pham) is ninth in this engaging chapter book series, aimed at readers aged five to eight.

It all begins with a 'princess hero playdate' - the Princess in Black, the Princess in Blankets and the Goat Avenger - aboard the Lively Turnip, Princess Sneezewort's royal boat.

When they spot a large fin, they follow. What is it - mermaid or sea monster? It's the former, Princess Posy, and she needs help stopping krakens from eating cute sea goats! Our friends don diving gear and swim into the depths.

Battling a kraken underwater proves harder than they expected, but our heroes do manage to encourage their new friend to 'Speak up!', a most important lesson. And they end their playdate with a new friend and colossal fun!

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