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The Princess in Black and the Science Fair Scare    by Shannon Hale, Dean Hale & LeUyen Pham order for
Princess in Black and the Science Fair Scare
by Shannon Hale
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Candlewick, 2018 (2018)
Hardcover, e-Book
* *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Shannon and Dean Hale's The Princess in Black and the Science Fair Scare (brightly illustrated by LeUyen Pham) is the sixth entry in this engaging chapter book series, aimed at young readers aged five to eight.

The story opens on the Interkingdom Science Fair, where Princess Magnolia is preparing to present a poster about seeds and plants. Her friends - Princess Honeysuckle, Princess Sneezewort, and Tommy Wigtower - participate as well. They are all very supportive of each other's projects - but who will be the winner?

Tommy has some trouble - he added monster fur to his volcano to make it erupt, and now it's talking back. His science project is monstrous! Luckily, the Princess in Black is on the scene. She and the Princess in Blankets take the lost monster home, where it makes a new friend - after all, even monsters can have happy endings.

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