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Meet the Latkes    by Alan Silberberg order for
Meet the Latkes
by Alan Silberberg
Order:  USA  Can
Viking, 2018 (2018)
Hardcover, e-Book
* *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Do you know what latkes are? They're delicious potato pancakes. But the ones in this picture book, Meet the Latkes, are actually a family who are celebrating Hannukah/Chanukah (which they celebrate with fried jelly doughnuts!)

They decorate, light the menorah, spin the dreidel, and gobble the (chocolate) gelt. Then Grandpa starts spinning a rather odd story of the holiday. Luckily, Applesauce (the family dog) is ready to correct him, especially about the Mega-Bees!

It's all very silly, but children love silly stories, and will probably help Applesauce get this one right. Note that the author includes the true tale of Chanukah (or Hannukah) at the back of the book.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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