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La La La: A Story of Hope    by Kate DiCamillo & Jaime Kim order for
La La La
by Kate DiCamillo
Order:  USA  Can
Candlewick, 2017 (2017)
* * *   Reviewed by Hilary Williamson

Here's a sweet 'Story of Hope', Kate DiCamillo's La La La, inventively illustrated by Jaime Kim and filled with expressions, not words.

We see a little girl singing, and waiting, singing and waiting - what's she up to? She sings her way into a golden autumn forest, that turns violet later in the day.

She climbs a ladder towards the moon - will there be an answer there? She waits and looks glum. She eventually falls asleep. But then, something magical happens.

This lovely story is all about loneliness, and looking for connection. Read this picture book with a child and ask her or him what the little girl is feeling and what she's seeking. Explore La La La together.

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