William & the Missing Masterpiece
Helen Hancocks
Templar, 2015 (2014)
Hardcover, Softcover
Reviewed by Bob Walch
he Mona Cheesa painting has gone missing from a famous Paris museum and Monsieur Gruyere has called in William, the famous feline detective, to try to discover who has stolen the famous art piece.
ith no obvious suspects or fresh clues, William faces a daunting task until he discovers some strands of red yarn on the gallery floor. The yarn leads the curious cat to a mysterious figure whom he notices is skulking about carrying a large package carefully wrapped up.
ollowing this oddly dressed person around Paris, William finds the circuitous path eventually takes him back to the museum and a startling revelation about who the actual thief is and why the Mona Cheesa has been taken.
ou'll love this crime solving cat and how he goes about tracking down a very unusual thief in this picture book which will appeal to youngsters three years of age and older. What is nice about this volume is that there is a real story here, rather than just a set of illustrations tied together by a flimsy narrative that doesn't really hold the reader's interest.
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