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Where's the Pair?: a spotting book    by Britta Teckentrup order for
Where's the Pair?
by Britta Teckentrup
Order:  USA  Can
Candlewick, 2016 (2016)
* * *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

This clever search-and-find picture book asks young readers (three years of age and up) to pair together critters pictured on a given page. For example, you'll find 13 chameleons together but only two of them are identical. Close inspection will enable the youngster to locate and pair the two which are the exact same.

If your child is willing to sit and scrutinize each page and look closely at the creatures (birds, dogs, frogs, butterflies, etc.), she will certainly hone the observation skills that will come in handy later in life. With mom or dad's help, this is not an impossible task for young children and the attention to detail is something that some children will exhibit at an early age.

The rhymed text and attractive illustrations make this a pleasing reading experience as well so even if the child isn't quite ready for the search-and-find aspect of the book, it should still be a positive experience

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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