Cash Kat
Linda Joy Singleton & Christina Wald
Arbordale, 2016 (2016)
Hardcover, Softcover, e-Book
Reviewed by Bob Walch
ram Hatter and Kat are off to help clean up an area park, but the adventure also turns into a way to teach Kat about the value of various coins. As the pair discover various coins among the rubbish, Kat decides she'd like to get an ice cream cone but she'll need to collect quite a few coins to do so.
inally the little girl has enough for a cone, but then she decides there may be a better use for the coins she has found in the park.
his is an excellent picture book to begin teaching a child about the value of coins, and the activity pages the author includes will give parents and teachers some exercises to see if the lessons have taken hold with young readers.
he idea of helping keep city parks clean is also embedded in the story so this book works on two levels. All in all, you get a lot for your money with
Cash Kat
Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.
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