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I Really Like Slop!: An Elephant & Piggie Book    by Mo Willems order for
I Really Like Slop!
by Mo Willems
Order:  USA  Can
Hyperion, 2015 (2015)
* * *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Piggie's favorite food is slop. She is a real epicure, nosing out the finest ingredients when it comes time to indulge in this special feast. Naturally, since her best friend is Gerald the Elephant, Piggie wants to share this dish fit for a king!

On the other hand, poor Gerald isn't so sure he is ready to sample this porcine delicacy. In fact, he has grave misgivings but relents when, after declining a taste, it appears he has hurt Piggy's feelings.

After giving the slop a try, Gerald's response is 'URK!' and although he admits he didn't really enjoy the taste, he explains that's what friends do for friends.

This latest book in the wonderful series is destined to be another classic. As usual, the characters' facial expressions and body language indicate the emotions they are undergoing as the story develops and this time Mo Willems has outdone himself in capturing some priceless moments as Piggie and Gerald delve into the glories of slop!

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