The Red Hat
David Teague & Antoinette Portis
Hyperion, 2015 (2015)
Reviewed by Bob Walch
illy Hightower lives in a very high skyscraper in a big city. One day he sees a little girl in a neighboring building and is entranced by her. The trick is, how will Billy make contact with her? He tries a number of things but they don't work very well.
t is a challenge that Billy won't give up on, and eventually he does succeed, so the story has a happy ending. Although younger readers may not be totally absorbed by this whimsical tale of a boy following his heart, older youngsters might well be.
he illustrations (black and white, with red used to highlight a few items) are quite attractive and will hold any reader's attention for a while. It remains to be seen if this will be a picture book that will be read more than once or twice. Adults might see more in this tale than the younger set. I'd check it out from the library first to give it a trial run before making a purchase.
Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.
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