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Vanilla Ice Cream    by Bob Graham order for
Vanilla Ice Cream
by Bob Graham
Order:  USA  Can
Candlewick, 2014 (2014)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

A small sparrow begins a long journey from its home in rural India. Free to go where she wants, the bird travels on a truck of rice that is heading to a seaport. When the bags of rice are loaded on a ship the little bird, unnoticed by the crew, decides to accompany them since she always follows or stays with her source of food.

Once the vessel arrives in a port city the bird flies off and finds a park to set up her new home. Then a most remarkable event occurs. If you are wondering what the book's title has to do with this story, you'll find out at this point. But, I'll let you discover the surprising turn of events that end the story.

The illustrations here capture this wonderful adventure and show how the most unlikely occurrences and situations can have surprising and delightful consequences.

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