A Visit to Dr. Duck
Rosemary Wells
Candlewick, 2014 (2014)
Reviewed by Bob Walch
elix's mother notices that he isn't his usual self. He doesn't want pancakes for breakfast and neither chamomile tea nor sugared prunes make him feel any better. Even fresh air doesn't improve the situation so Felix's mother gets on the phone to Dr. Duck.
hen the doctor says to bring Felix right over to the office, Felix becomes a little anxious. When they get there, the kind doctor listens to Felix's heart, looks in his ears and takes his temperature. Then Dr. Duck gives Felix two spoonfuls of Happy Tummy and says,
'Call me in the morning.'
hen he wakes up the next morning Felix feels so much better that he wants to go to the circus. Hooray, he feels like his old, perky self!
his board book will assuage any fears a child might have about going to see the doctor plus there are some tips on the back cover on how to stay perky. Follow Dr. Duck's sage advice and you'll be very, very healthy.
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