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Ten Tiny Tickles    by Karen Katz order for
Ten Tiny Tickles
by Karen Katz
Order:  USA  Can
Simon & Schuster, 2008 (2005)
Hardcover, Softcover
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

This counting book, featuring Baby and the tickles that the infant receives, should make very young children quite happy. Baby receives one little tickle to start the day when Baby's mom tickles her head. Two more tickles follow as Baby's kitty gives her two ear tickles.

Everyone in the family contributes tickles during the course of the day until the total reaches ten tickles. That's one tickle for each of Baby's chubby, tubby toes! How cute!

Oversized full page illustrations capture all this tickle time and will capture the attention of youngsters who love lots of colors and oversized figures. Since this is a board book, it will stand up to hard use and constant handling, which is a good thing too.

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