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E-I-E-I-O!: How Old MacDonald Got His Farm with a Little Help From a Hen    by Judy Sierra & Matthew Myers order for
by Judy Sierra
Order:  USA  Can
Candlewick, 2014 (2014)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Judy Sierra puts an interesting spin on the classic Old MacDonald tale/song with this picture book that explains exactly how the farmer transformed his property into a very lucrative operation.

It all began when Old MacDonald decided he was sick of mowing his huge backyard. He purchased a goat to keep the grass short, but that didn't work too well when the goat began chomping on the hedges too.

Next Old MacDonald brought in a chicken, not realizing he had just engaged 'the smartest hen in history'. Once that Little Red Hen got started, the dirt began to fly and the backyard transformation was launched. There were a few unfortunate setbacks, but in the end the project was a smashing success.

Sierra's rollicking, rhymed text and the wonderful illustrations by Matthew Myer make this picture book about organic farming one armchair gardeners, locavores and little children will find a fun read.

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