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Robot Burp Head Smartypants!    by Annette Simon order for
Robot Burp Head Smartypants!
by Annette Simon
Order:  USA  Can
Candlewick, 2014 (2014)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Two robots engage in a game many young children have also played from time to time ... a burp contest. To quench his thirst, one of the robots takes a swig of oil and 'brrp! Oops! Please excuse me. A screw must be loose,' he says, apologizing.

But when his buddy burps back, the 'can you top this' game is afoot! Now the burps come quickly as more oil is consumed and it won't stop until the can is empty.

This irreverent robotic pair were introduced in Robot Zombie Frankenstein! and I have a feeling this will be a continuing series since these two mechanical marvels love getting into the kind of mischief young children love. BurrRRP! Oops, sorry!

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