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Veggies with Wedgies    by Todd Doodler order for
Veggies with Wedgies
by Todd Doodler
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Simon & Schuster, 2014 (2014)
Hardcover, e-Book
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

'Oh, underwear is so fine,
I want to wear it all the time.
Underwear, it is the best,
Just find the pair that fits you better than the rest.

For Farmer John's vegetables this becomes the goal of their foray into wearing undies for the first time. When they see a variety of sizes of underwear hanging on the farmer's clothesline drying in the sun, the veggies are curious.

They are not sure what these garments are or how to actually wear them. So carrot explains how this item of clothing is used. Now the veggies have to try the underwear themselves, so they take them off the line.

When the undies don't match up with the veggies, the next problem is discomfort caused by wedgies. That's when they begin trading what they are wearing until everyone has a comfortable fit.

Veggies in undies? That's really ridiculous but it also makes for a silly story which young children love. Also, if you are getting ready to switch your toddler from diapers to real big boy or big girl underwear, this book might make the change a little easier.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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