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A Patch of Black: A Perfect Bedtime Book!    by Rachel Rooney & Deborah Allwright order for
Patch of Black
by Rachel Rooney
Order:  USA  Can
Macmillan, 2014 (2012)
Hardcover, Softcover
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

For a young child the dark of a bedroom when the lights go out at night can be a fearsome thing. Sometimes a night light helps and sometimes it doesn't. This picture book addresses the situation and a little girl's fears in a positive manner.

We find the child's mother reassuring her and assuaging the youngster's fears of the dark.

'Don't be afraid of the darkness, dear.
Don't be afraid of the dark.
What can you do with a patch of black, a moon and a silver star?

This refrain is repeated throughout the book and the answer varies from section to section. What can you do? Why, you can use your imagination to dream up the most wonderful things. You can take a trip on a flying rug, snuggle up in a hammock while a friendly tiger and crocodile rocks you, or pretend you are a princess.

Perfect for bedtime reading, you'll find this book may sooth a nervous child who isn't thrilled with the prospect of spending the rest of the evening in a darkened bedroom.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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