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Stone Giant: Michelangelo's David and How He Came To Be    by Jane Sutcliffe & John Shelley order for
Stone Giant
by Jane Sutcliffe
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Charlesbridge, 2014 (2014)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Jane Sutcliffe retells the story of the creation of one of the most famous statues in the world – Michelangelo Buonarroti's sculpture of the shepherd boy from the Bible who killed the giant warrior, Goliath.

The huge block of marble David was carved from rested in Florence, Italy, for over forty years before Michelangelo began the three year task of transforming it from a weathered block of stone to a breathtaking image of a young man.

Once finished, David had to then be moved from the workshop where he was created to a place of honor in Florence's city square. It took forty men four days to move the eighteen foot statue and get it up on a pedestal where everyone could admire it.

Filled with period detail and featuring vibrant color, John Shelley's illustrations bring the narrative alive and add the visual dimension that makes this picture book so special and one that both children and adults well enjoy reading.

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