Ocean Drawing Book
Ralph Masiello
Charlesbridge, 2006 (2006)
Hardcover, Softcover
Reviewed by Bob Walch
his simple little drawing book is perfect for starting youngsters five years of age and older out on simple drawing projects with a marine biology theme.
egin with the simple design of the clam and follow the author's step-by-step instructions on how to draw both a closed and open clam. Then arrange them together to create a colorful picture like the one on the page opposite the instructions.
he young artist can use anything he or she wishes to color the picture, although probably crayons, pastel or colored pencils, or colored markers might be the best option.
rom the clam you'll graduate to a starfish and two seashells, a clown fish, a dolphin, some seaweed and coral plus an anemone and a rather intricate sea horse, squid, and moray eel. The final suggestions include different types of sharks and a humpback whale.
n inexpensive guide for beginning artists, this book would work well as a classroom resource or for use by parents home schooling their children. Use it for marine animals studies and art projects.
Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.
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