One Potato, Two Potato
Todd H. Doodler
Simon & Schuster, 2013 (2013)
Hardcover, e-Book
Reviewed by Bob Walch
r. Potato is having a party but, as can sometimes happen, the guest list gets a little out of control. Never expecting all his friends would accept the invitation, Mr. Potato has a rather long list of invited guests.
t first there isn't a problem but when the doorbell keeps ringing and more guests pile into the small house Mr. Potato begins to panic.
Everyone stood still – no one could budge. Suddenly came a slight move and then a forceful nudge. One potato elbowed. Another potato pushed. Soon all the potatoes were smushed.
hat a predicament but, as you'll discover, this unforeseen turn of events saved the day for Mr. Potato. Once they '
were mashed potatoes the party could resume. The potatoes had a ball with much more party room!
he more the merrier is not always a good approach to planning a party but in this instance it all works out for the celebration's host. This book is a tad silly but this is the type of humor young children often just love so you might want to also invite your two or three year old to Mr. Potato's party.
Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.
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