Pretty Patterns: Beautiful Patterns to Color!
Hannah Davies & Beth Gunnell
Simon & Schuster, 2013 (2013)
Reviewed by Bob Walch
ere's an interesting and clever new coloring book for youngsters who can handle colored pencils or fine -tipped markers. The book contains a variety of gorgeous patterns (think wallpaper) that are partially colored. In most cases the background is a solid color and just a few of the designs or objects that make up the pattern are colored in. It is up to the child to complete the job.
iven the nature of the detailed drawings of flowers, dolls, animals, swirls, birds and other objects, the youngster will not only need to be well coordinated, but the pencils or markers should have fine points. Crayons probably are too bulky for use in this instance.
ach page in the book has nothing printed on the back, so the finished pages can be removed and displayed in the child's room, on the refrigerator door, or sent on to grandma and grandpa. Although not necessary, it would make sense to remove the page before the child begins coloring it.
rt teachers and parents home schooling their children will find this book to be a wonderful resource. It would be an excellent way to experiment with color combinations, shading and other subtle techniques associated with the use of color. Also, many older youngsters and adults will enjoy this book and find it a soothing or therapeutic means of spending a little
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