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I Wonder Why Pirates Wore Earrings: and Other Questions About Piracy    by Pat Jacobs order for
I Wonder Why Pirates Wore Earrings
by Pat Jacobs
Order:  USA  Can
Kingfisher, 2012 (2012)
Hardcover, Softcover
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Constructed around a series of questions about a given subject, the I Wonder Why series of books has been a hit with young readers. In this volume Pat Jacobs investigates the fascinating subject of piracy and skullduggery upon the Seven Seas.

'Who were the first pirates? What was a privateer? What were pieces of eight? What do today's pirates steal?' are just some of the questions you'll find addressed in this well illustrated book.

You'll also discover special cartoon sidebars on each page with additional information about the life of a pirate. You'll discover that the famous pirate Blackbeard had a dozen wives and that pirates often flew an enemy's flag so they could get close to their intended prey.

With the answers to 31 questions plus numerous sidebars, I Wonder Why Pirates Have Earrings offers a treasure trove of information on these very colorful, real-life characters.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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