I Wonder Why Pirates Wore Earrings: and Other Questions About Piracy
Pat Jacobs
Kingfisher, 2012 (2012)
Hardcover, Softcover
Reviewed by Bob Walch
onstructed around a series of questions about a given subject, the
I Wonder Why
series of books has been a hit with young readers. In this volume Pat Jacobs investigates the fascinating subject of piracy and skullduggery upon the Seven Seas.
Who were the first pirates? What was a privateer? What were pieces of eight? What do today's pirates steal?
' are just some of the questions you'll find addressed in this well illustrated book.
ou'll also discover special cartoon sidebars on each page with additional information about the life of a pirate. You'll discover that the famous pirate Blackbeard had a dozen wives and that pirates often flew an enemy's flag so they could get close to their intended prey.
ith the answers to 31 questions plus numerous sidebars,
I Wonder Why Pirates Have Earrings
offers a treasure trove of information on these very colorful, real-life characters.
Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.
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