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Mayfly Day    by Jeanne Willis & Tony Ross order for
Mayfly Day
by Jeanne Willis
Order:  USA  Can
Andersen, 2012 (2012)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Her life is short but the mayfly lives it to the fullest. This picture book for children between the ages of three and five celebrates the life of this diminutive insect. As the mayfly begins her special day, she soars over the morning sky at dawn bathed in golden life.

As her day progresses she sees a multitude of wonderful things like flowers, children playing and a magic rainbow. 'Breezes blow, bells chime. Birds sing! She dances to the music of the universe. Mayfly lays her eggs.' Then as night falls and her time is nearly over, Mayfly says good-bye; 'Little ones, may all your tomorrows be as perfect as my yesterday!'

This touching story with lovely pastel illustrations about the plight of the mayfly reminds us to live every day to the fullest and savor every minute because life is a special gift that doesn't last forever.

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