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Atlantis: The Search for the Lost City    by Mary-Jane Knight & Philip Chidlow order for
by Mary-Jane Knight
Order:  USA  Can
Kingfisher, 2012 (2012)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Lavishly illustrated, this new title in the Code Quest series challenges the young reader to decipher secret messages and solve the enigma of the Lost City of Atlantis. Fold-out panels reveal hidden details, extra puzzles to solve, and information needed to translate clues.

On the first page you'll meet Amy James. She'll explain why she is seeking the legendary lost city and issue a challenge.

'Here is your challenge: read my story and look at all the clues and evidence I have found. Can you translate the mysterious messages, break the codes, and solve the mystery with me?'

As the youngster dives into the story, he or she will learn about the myth vs. the reality of Atlantis, discover the devices created to explore underwater, delve into a little navigation and map making, and become familiar with a few of the legends of Crete.

What's nice about this series is that it engages the reader in a quest and forces the youngster to use his or her mind along with the code wheel provided to find answers to the questions posed by the author. And, in case you are wondering, there is a solutions page at the end of the book that matches up with the clues found in the text.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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