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Rocket Writes a Story    by Tad Hills order for
Rocket Writes a Story
by Tad Hills
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Schwartz & Wade, 2012 (2012)
Hardcover, e-Book
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Hello. My name is Rocket. I'm a dog and my best friend, a little yellow bird, has taught me to read. I love reading and paging through books. I really love the way books smell when I open them. I also love the words inside the books.

In this picture book my teacher, the yellow bird, tells me to use my nose to go out and 'sniff out some new words'. What a splendid idea! Why don't you come along as I do that?

When I find a new word I'll write it down on a piece of paper so I can show my teacher. Then after I have collected a lot of words, I am going to write my own story. You can watch me as I learn how to write a story. I'll need a character for my story. I'll also need to tell something about that character.

Hmm, this is turning out to be a hard job. But if you keep reading you'll see that I do find someone to write about and I actually write a cool story. After I finish my story perhaps you can write one of your own. If I can, I bet you can do so also! Give it a try!

If you are a teacher you might want to share my picture book with your class. This would be a good way to introduce young children to the idea of writing their own simple stories. Now there's a dog-gone good plan!

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