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The Scary Places Map Book: Seven Terrifying Tours    by B. G. Hennessy & Erwin Madrid order for
Scary Places Map Book
by B. G. Hennessy
Order:  USA  Can
Candlewick, 2012 (2012)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Here's an unusual way to acquire some basic map reading skills. You are invited to take a tour of seven spooky places such as the Wicked Woods, the Land of Mythical Monsters, Dr. Frankenstein's Transylvania, and the Museum of Haunted Objects.

Following instructions and the individual map keys for each journey, you must avoid booby traps, search for hidden objects and maneuver your way from the starting point to the destination set for you.

Children might need a little help getting started, but once they see how to follow the instructions for each map, they'll be able to visit Dracula's castle and the Western Terror-Tories on their own.

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