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Let's Have a Tree Party!    by David Martin & John Manders order for
Let's Have a Tree Party!
by David Martin
Order:  USA  Can
Candlewick, 2012 (2012)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

'I'm having a party!' shouted Grandpa Crow.
'Spread the word so our friends all know,
Come one, come all, and make merry with me,
What could be better than friends together at a party in a tree?'

What could be better indeed? There will be squirrels, possums, a baby bear, and birds. And if they can figure out a way to climb up the tree, the frogs, snakes and slimy slugs are invited too, along with the mouse family, of course!

Pizza and ice cream will be the main menu items, and after everyone eats his and her fill, there will be music, dancing and singing. But be ever so careful not to fall out of the tree!

And, when it gets dark, the party won't end. Instead, some bats and an old owl will just join in because ...

'There's nothing better than friends together at a party in a tree!'

This fun picture book for children two years of age and older has a little bit of everything. Not only are there fun illustrations but also some movement and counting prompts as well as a lyrical, rhymed text. So join the party with this bevy of cute forest critters. Doo-boppa, doo-boppa, doo-boppa-do!

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