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Who's Like Me?    by Nicola Davies & Marc Boutavant order for
Who's Like Me?
by Nicola Davies
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Candlewick, 2012 (2012)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

This interactive book invites children three years of age and older to flip-a-flap and discover the answer to a number of questions about some favorite animals.

Accompanying the picture of a cute little bunny are the questions 'Who's like me? Who's furry and breathes air like me? Is it ...' Flip the flaps on the opposite page and you'll discover a chameleon, pigeon, goldfish and fox.

To get the correct answer, turn to the next page and you'll discover what common traits the fox shares with the rabbit. A fox is furry, breathes air, gives birth to its young and feeds it with 'mom-made' milk. 'We are both mammals, even though a fox would eat me if he could,' says the bunny!

In the rest of the book the goldfish, chameleon, pigeon and a frog are the 'Who's like me?' featured critters. By the time you have reached the final page of this informative picture book your child will have learned a little about fish, reptiles, birds, and amphibians. Also, check out the inside cover of the back of the book for a fun quiz where your toddler can match up similar species such as fish and birds.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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