There Goes Ted Williams: The Greatest Hitter Who Ever Lived
Matt Tavares
Candlewick, 2012 (2012)
Read an Excerpt
Reviewed by Bob Walch
he pictorial biography for readers six years of age and older follows the career of Ted Williams from his childhood growing up in San Diego, California, to his record breaking career as a slugger with the Boston Red Sox baseball team.
ollowing his climb to fame, the reader will learn about Williams' school days where he played for Hoover High and how the Yankees offered the youth a contract when he was just seventeen. Williams' family turned down the contract and he eventually signed his first big-league contract with Boston instead. By the time he was twenty-six years old, the tall baseball player was the best hitter in the game. He finished 1941 with a batting average of .406.
hen in December of that year the athlete's life changed. After Pearl Harbor was attacked, he joined the Navy, went to flight school and was sent to the Pacific.
fter the war Williams returned to baseball in 1946 and won the American League's Triple Crown. But when the Korean War began, Captain Ted Williams again climbed into a fighter plane. This time his plane crashed, but he survived the fiery wreck.
fter 38 combat missions, the famous baseball player returned to the field where he played seven more seasons and won two more batting titles. In 1960 Red Williams retired after playing his final game in Fenway Park in Boston.
as Williams the best hitter ever to play the game of baseball? Some say yes, but others disagree. You can make up your own mind after you've read this excellent short biography of the legendary player's life. Don't miss this list of Williams' career stats on the book's final page. That might help you make up your mind!
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