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Happy Pig Day!    by Mo Willems order for
Happy Pig Day!
by Mo Willems
Order:  USA  Can
Hyperion, 2011 (2011)
* * *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

Hi. I bet you didn't know that it is Happy Pig Day! Well, trust me, I know it is because I am a pig. My name is Piggie and my best friend is an elephant named Gerald. We do everything together.

Since today is Happy Pig Day I have all sorts of fun things planned. There will be a pig party where we will play pig games, sing pig songs, eat pig food and do the famous pig dance. Oh my, what a fun day this is going to be!

This is certainly the day that you want to wish your piggy pals, 'Oinky! Oink! Oink!' That, of course, means Happy Pig Day!

As my pig friends begin to arrive, we get ready for some heavy duty partying, but then I notice Gerald sitting in the corner with a sad look on his face. 'Are you okay?' I ask.

No, Gerald is not OK! He feels sad because he isn't a pig and feels left out. Now I am sad too because Gerald is my very best friend. Then I come up with an idea.

'Happy Pig Day is not just for pigs,' I tell Gerald. 'Happy Pig Day is for anyone who loves pigs! What do you say to that?'

Gerald smiles and shouts, 'Oinky! Oink! Oink!'

Why don't you get a copy of my book and then you can join us too as we celebrate my favorite day of all? Oinky! Oink! Oink!

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