Mary Lyn Ray & Marla Frazee
Beach Lane, 2011 (2011)
Reviewed by Bob Walch
his is a wonderful picture book that is all about stars. True, you can find stars in the sky, but that isn't the only place they appear. '
You can draw a star on shiny paper and cut around it,
' writes the author. Once you have done that, you can put it in your pocket and carry it around with you.
r, if you want, you can pretend the star is a sheriff's star and wear it on your shirt. Or you can put it on the end of a stick and then you have a wand. Or you can give it to a friend.
hen again, if you do something well, someone may refer to you as a
on't forget to look around you for stars too. Yellow stars on pumpkin vines eventually become pumpkins. White stars in a strawberry patch grow into red berries and snowflakes, upon closer inspection, can look like stars too.
ow you get the idea, right? '
Blow a ball of dandelion and you blow a thousand stars into the sky.
' Of course, a button can have a star on it and if you always brush your teeth or do good work at school, you may earn a star.
herever you look, if you look closely, you'll find stars. So certainly enjoy stargazing on a clear, cold night, but don't forget to look in other places too for stars because they are everywhere!
oungsters four years of age and older will enjoy this picture book. After reading this book aloud a few times, encourage your child to look around the house or in the yard to see if he or she can find stars hiding in some unlikely places. You may be surprised by what you come up with!
Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.
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