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Hurry Down to Derry Fair    by Dori Chaconas & Gillian Tyler order for
Hurry Down to Derry Fair
by Dori Chaconas
Order:  USA  Can
Candlewick, 2011 (2011)
* *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

The bouncy, rhyming narration of this picture book captures the excitement of young Dinny Brown as he urges his family members to hurry up and get ready so they can all attend the opening day at Derry Fair.

His mother is still working in the kitchen baking the pies she plans to enter in the fair's pie contest. His sister is grooming the animals she'll be showing at the fair and his father is cutting the firewood he plans to sell.

Even when Dinny helps them along in their tasks, his family still isn't quite ready to leave. But when the little boy approaches his grandmother, her response is, 'You're right, it's late! So Dinny Brown, go fetch your coins. Then meet me at the door, I'm taking you to Derry Fair! You won't wait anymore!'

So off they go and the rest of the family can catch up later. To mark Dinny and his grandmother's arrival at the fair, a panoramic gatefold shows the rides, the booths and games, animals, and all the people enjoying an afternoon of fun at Derry Fair.

Gillian Tyler's illustrations are based on the annual fair that is held in her town in rural England. This picture book for children three years of age and up evokes the excitement and fun of that special day when the county fair brings everyone in the area together.

Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.

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