Family Pack
Sandra Markle & Alan Marks
Charlesbridge, 2011 (2011)
Reviewed by Bob Walch
ny child fascinated by wolves will find this an engrossing read. With the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park, the animals have made a dramatic comeback.
his is the tale of Female 7 - who was trapped in Canada and set free in Yellowstone - and Male 2. The two became the founders of the Leopold wolf pack which was the first naturally formed pack after the relocation effort.
ou'll follow Female 7 as she sets out to explore her new home, learns to hunt and survives in the 2.2 million acre area. Then the two year old encounters Male 2 on one of her rambles.
He trots up to her with tail held high. They sniff each other, rub heads, and lick muzzles. He prances around the young female, and she joins his dance. The two lonely wolves become a mated pair.
ventually the female wolf gives birth to four pups. While she cares for her young, the male wolf hunts for both of them and brings meat home to their den for her.
esides the story of these two wolves, the author includes additional information on wolves, a bibliography, and a note about the Leopold Pack.
very interesting book with fine illustrations,
Family Pack
explains how a species can again be successfully introduced into a region, thus restoring the natural balance.
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