Can We Save the Tiger?
Martin Jenkins & Vicky White
Candlewick, 2011 (2011)
Reviewed by Bob Walch
his book looks at not only tigers but also other animals to show how human behavior can endanger the species. The book opens by looking at a few extinct creatures like the Dodo, Steller's Sea Cow, Great Auk, Marsupial Wolf and Broad-Faced Potoroo.
ext Martin Jenkins turns his attention to the
group that includes tigers, Asian elephants, Sloth Bears, and African Hunting Dogs.
hether it is the Giant African Land Snail, Australian Quokka, Mariana Fruit Dove or West Indian Ground Iguana, there are many species which are edging towards the extinction list because of predators that have been introduced into their environment by humans.
lthough he doesn't go into great detail, conservation biologist Martin Jenkins focuses attention on how humans have, in one way or another, endangered a number of animals. He also cites a few examples of some critters that have been brought back from the brink of extinction (Rodrigues Flying Fox, Whooping Crane and Bermuda Petrel).
When it comes to looking at all the species that are already endangered, there's such a lot to do that sometimes it might all seem to be too much ...
' writes the author. '
But if we stop trying, the chances are that pretty soon we'll end up with a world where there are no tigers, or elephants, or sawfishes or whooping cranes ...
eaturing stunning animal portraits by Vicky White, this book will hopefully raise the young reader's consciousness about the importance of preserving the animals we share the planet with. It offers a good starting point for a deeper inquiry into endangered species.
Note: Opinions expressed in reviews and articles on this site are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of BookLoons.
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