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Birds of a Feather    by Jane Yolen & Jason Stemple order for
Birds of a Feather
by Jane Yolen
Order:  USA  Can
Boyds Mills Press, 2011 (2011)
* * *   Reviewed by Lyn Seippel

This lovely collection of poems is written by winning-author Jane Yolen. Yolen has written more than 300 books and is known as the American Hans Christian Andersen.

Stunning photographs, taken in the birds' natural habitats, accompany each poem. They were taken by award-winning photographer Jason Stemple. Stemple is the 2011 Artist in Residence in Everglades National Park and son of Yolen and David Stemple.

Birds of a Feather will intrigue both adults and children. Yolen's poetry introduces each bird, beginning with The Regal Eagle. Seeing through Yolen's eyes, the reader will look at birds with a new perspective. Brief, interesting, and often unusual facts accompany each bird.

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