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I Broke My Trunk!    by Mo Willems order for
I Broke My Trunk!
by Mo Willems
Order:  USA  Can
Hyperion, 2011 (2011)
* * *   Reviewed by Bob Walch

I'm not sure who loves the Elephant & Piggie series more, kids or their parents. But either way, these two delightful characters have found their way into the hearts of readers of all ages.

This latest book opens with an aghast Piggy asking Gerald, 'What happened to your trunk?'

'I broke my trunk,' responds the elephant.

Naturally, Piggy wants to hear the whole story of what happened and, as his friend warns him, 'It is a long, crazy story.'

While playing with Hippo, Gerald decided he wanted to lift Hippo onto his trunk. But that's not how the problem occurred. No, next Rhino came along and he wanted to play too. So, naturally Gerald lifted both Rhino and Hippo onto his trunk.

So that is obviously how he broke his trunk, right? WRONG!

Hippo has a sister (a very big sister) and she showed up. She always travels with her piano and, naturally, she wanted to be lifted up along with her brother and Rhino (and, of course, her musical instrument).

Ahh ha! Now you see what happened! Right? Not so fast! That isn't how Gerald broke his trunk. How he actually did it is so embarrassing that I think I'll let him share that part of the story with you.

As Piggy says after he hears his friend's remarkable tale, 'That is a crazy story!' But, as you will see, it is a very funny one as well!

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