The Pup Who Cried Wolf: Animal Tales
Chris Kurtz & Guy Francis
Bloomsbury, 2011 (2011)
Hardcover, Softcover
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Reviewed by Bob Walch
y name is Lobo and along with my buddies, Hector (a rat) and Glory (a parrot) I live with Mona in a large city. Mona calls us '
her family
' and she's really good to us. In fact, she even takes us on vacations.
his is the story of one of those vacations. Mona was to meet her parents and sister at Yellowstone National Park and, of course, we went along. I was really excited because I had this really strong
to get closer to my wolf brothers. To be truthful, I pictured myself perhaps slipping away from the campsite and running with the pack.
ell, that's pretty much what happened. I slipped off and tried to connect with Yellowstone's resident wolves and they weren't too eager about having me take over the leadership position. Did I mention that I am a Chihuahua? I'm a little undersized and that seemed to be an issue.
ruthfully, I think the biggest issue was that my wolf brothers sort of looked upon me as a snack or appetizer rather than a running mate. So my good bird buddy, Glory, had to sort of come to my rescue and get me out of what proved to be a rather
situation. Actually, it was downright dangerous and really scary.
f you like to read short novels, I think you'll get a real kick out of the adventures my friends and I had in Yellowstone. You'll get a few laughs and see that it is a good idea to be careful what you wish for because you might actually get it. Then, like me, you might discover that what you wanted wasn't such a hot idea!
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